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Writer's picture: Robert ClancyRobert Clancy






Today’s Scripture Readings: Daniel 10:10-19, Luke 18:1-8

Daniel 10:10-21 “Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands. 11 And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.” While he was speaking this word to me, I stood trembling. 12 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.” 15 When he had spoken such words to me, I turned my face toward the ground and became speechless. 16 And suddenly, one having the likeness of the [b]sons of men touched my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke, saying to him who stood before me, “My lord, because of the vision my sorrows have overwhelmed me, and I have retained no strength. 17 For how can this servant of my lord talk with you, my lord? As for me, no strength remains in me now, nor is any breath left in me.” 18 Then again, the one having the likeness of a man touched me and strengthened me. 19 And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!” So, when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” 20 Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come. 21 But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. (No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince.”

Today you also may feel that your prayers are being delayed and you cannot see a way out of that troubled situation, but God is making a way. Just do not give up and keep standing firm in prayer and fasting. Remember the devil is the father of all liars, who is always in the habit of perverting God's agenda and purpose for our lives. Therefore, we must stand firm and resist all his tactics and advances. Precious saints you also need to be sensitive to God’s Kairos (Divine) timing - that is, what God is doing or about to do in your life and prepare yourself adequately for it. Otherwise, you can miss what God wants to do with you and through you. It is time to redeem the time, for all those lost opportunities that have been missed and wasted.

Imagine the Prophet Daniel had been praying for 21 days without seeing the result of his prayers. The territorial (principality) strongman of Persia had held down the messenger angel which brought a hindrance to answered prayers. Similarly, the miracles of many children of God are hanging, ambushed, delayed, blocked or unclaimed in the second heavens if we quit. But I believe even today, any territorial principality that has arrested your blessings or purpose shall be paralysed and your blessings shall be released to you, in Jesus Mighty name!

So, to delay is to slow down, to retard, to detain, and cause to be late. See God is looking for those that are persistent in prayer even after they receive their breakthrough, that they keep on praying until all of Gods will comes to pass. God is looking for faithful servants that do not give up and the devil does not know what to do with a saint that never gives up hallelujah! Just like the Parable of the Persistent Widow, she did not give up precious saints!

Luke 18:1-8 “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, 2 saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor [a]regard man. 3 Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ 4 And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, 5 yet because this widow troubles me I will [c]avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ ” 6 Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

We need to be just like this widow, for the Father has promised to avenge His elect and vindicate us from all injustice. So no matter what your delay is today where it is the fruit of the womb, graduation from university and education, promotion in the work place, we are going to believe God will bring a breakthrough. If a strongman is responsible for the delay in your life, God will make a way today. So arise today and fight for what is yours precious saints. As the devil delays us primarily to frustrate us; to afflict us, to create fear, to make us doubt God and consequently, prevent us from receiving our miracles (James 1:5). Some promotion letters have been detained under the table of some demonic bosses, while some have been hidden in a witchcraft cauldron. What about people’s business that they prayed before and then stopped. The angel that was bringing your breakthrough may have been hindered to bring your long-awaited business contract, because it could have been delayed in the second heavens, because of lack of angelic reinforcement. The enemy will not let go without a fight precious saint, but as we keep pushing in prayer we shall receive our deliverance from every demonic hinderance in Jesus Mighty Name!

So how do we break free from these delays:

1. We stand upon and absolute trust in the infallibility of the Word of God.

2. We remain persistent standing in the gap on the altar of strategic warfare prayers.

3. Fasting is key to our breakthrough precious saints.


German missionary to Africa, Reinhard Bonnke (1940-2019) founded Christ For All Nations (CFAN) which now ministers to millions.

Converted at nine, he had a missionary zeal. As a teenager, Reinhard saw Johannesburg in South Africa in a vision of a map of Africa. At 19 he headed off to the Bible College of Wales to train as a missionary, even though he couldn’t speak English. Three months later he was preaching in English! There he learned practical principles of living by faith.

After a short pastorate in Germany where he married Anna, they left for German Pentecostal missionary work in Africa. Working as traditional missionaries from 1967 to 1974 in Maseru, the capital of the small landlocked country of Lesotho, they saw meager results.

The early days in Lesotho (1974)

Near the end of that time Reinhard’s interpreter broke down during his message at a healing meeting one Sunday morning and sank weeping to the floor because of God’s awesome presence. Waiting for the interpreter to recover Reinhard ‘heard’ the Lord speak ‘words’ which amazed him: “My Words in your mouth are just as powerful as My Words in My own mouth.”

The ‘voice’ repeated the sentence. He ‘saw’ it like a movie in Scripture – Jesus told the disciples to speak in faith and it would happen. “I suddenly realized that the power was not in the mouth – the power was in the Word,” said Reinhard.

Then, when the interpreter had recovered enough to speak, as he was preaching Reinhard ‘heard’ the Spirit say, “Call those who are completely blind and speak the Word of Authority.”

He did. About six blind people stood. He boldly proclaimed, “Now I am going to speak with the authority of God, and you are going to see a white man standing before you. Your eyes are going to open.”

Taking a deep breath Reinhard shouted: “In the name of Jesus, blind eyes open!”

The power of his voice jolted even those on the stage. It felt as though a flaming bolt of lightning was let loose in the building. His voice was still resonating against the bare brick walls when there was another shout. This time it was the shriek of a woman’s voice. What she screamed shattered the silence that hung over the congregation: “I can see! I can see!”

She had been totally blind for years. The other blind people also saw. The place erupted in excited cheers. A woman handed her crippled boy through the milling crowd to Reinhard who sensed the power of God on the boy and watched amazed as his crippled legs shook and straightened. He was healed. The meeting went for hours as people screamed, shouted, danced, and sang.

At the end of 1974, Reinhard relocated to Johannesburg and established Christ for All Nations (CFAN). Early in January, when he was ill, he had a vision of Jesus similar to the Joshua’s vision (Joshua 5:13-15). He wrote: “I was very sick. I didn’t think I would make it. I went to doctors. Nothing helped. I was crying to God: ‘Lord what are you doing? What is your plan?’ One afternoon I retired to my study. A thirst for prayer came over me and I was hardly on my knees when I saw a most wonderful vision. I saw the son of God stand in front of me in full armour, like a general. The armour saw shining like the sun and burning like fire. It was tremendous and I realised that the Lord of Hosts had come. I threw myself at His feet. I laughed and I cried … I don’t know for how long, but when I got up, I was perfectly healed.”

When Reinhard flew to Gaberone in Botswana to buy time on radio there the Lord told him to hire the 10,000-seater sports stadium for a crusade. The local Pentecostal pastor who agreed to help prepare for the crusade was amazed. He had only 40 in his congregation!

The crusade in April 1974 with Reinhard’s evangelist friend Pastor Ngidi started in a hall which could seat 800. On the first night 100 attended. Healings happened every night, and people fell to the floor overwhelmed. That was new to Reinhard.

By the end of the first week 2,000 people were packed into the hall. So they moved into the stadium! Thousands attended. People were saved and healed every night and over 500 people were baptised in water within two weeks.

One night in the stadium, the Holy Spirit urged Reinhard to pray for people to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. So, he asked an African co-worker to give a message on the Holy Spirit. Reinhard felt dissatisfied with talk because it didn’t mention tongues.

About 1,000 people responded to the call to be baptised in the Spirit. As soon as they raised their hands, they were all flattened shouting and praising God in new languages on the ground. Reinhard had never seen anything like that before. It continued to happen in his crusades. Reinhard used an enormous tent which could seat 30,000 people. Then the crowds grew so large that no tent could hold them. Some of CFAN crusades in Africa have reached huge open-air crowds of 600,000 to 800,000 people and even over 1 million.


The Assemblies of God in South Africa and work of Nicholas Bhengu

Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu who was born on 05 September 1909 at eNtumeni, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was the founder of the Back to God Crusade in the 1950s that has become institutionalised within the Assemblies of God. He taught his church to be self-sustaining and also encouraged material independence through hard work. He died on 07 October 1985 at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, leaving many people in Africa influenced by his rich legacy as an evangelist, pastor, teacher and church planter to this day.

Missionary beginnings

The history of the South African Assemblies of God dates back to 1908 with the arrival in South Africa of some early Pentecostal missionaries. They did not come with the intention of collaborating with one another, nor did they intend to establish a church called the Assemblies of God. They began to cooperate partly because of the need for fellowship and partly because of the governmental objection to having dealings with a multitude of independent missionaries. By 1936 the A/G was predominantly a black church with the control in the hands of expatriate missionaries.

Nicholas Bhengu

The A/G conference in 1938 adopted a radical and unprecedented policy which opened the way for missionary bodies to come under the umbrella of the A/G in SA. It entrenched the concept of a church body consisting of groups cooperating within a single movement, but not having to sever ties with their respective mission boards. This prompted H.C. Phillips and the Emmanuel Mission to join the A/G, thereby bringing Nicholas Bhengu and James Mullan into the group. Both of these men are numbered among our pioneers.

The new policy also permitted people within the A/G to branch out and establish groups of their own, which were still affiliated to the A/G in SA. Mullan and Bhengu subsequently planned to form a partnership, going to parts of South Africa where there were no A/G churches or missionaries. Their agreement was a Peter-Paul arrangement (i.e. Peter to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles - Galatians 2:8) with Bhengu going to the blacks and Mullan to the whites.

There were a 1000 people baptised Buffalo River in East London through the work of God in the early days in one day.

Nicholas Bhengu

Bhengu's ministry had begun in the late 1930's in Benoni. In the 1940's James Mullan arranged a crusade in PE for Bhengu. Miracles of healing took place through the ministry. Crowds flocked in and 1000 conversions were recorded in a few weeks. Bhengu announced that he intended founding a church and invited those who wished to join to stay with him. The others he urged to return to their churches. About 500 stayed and were formed into 3 congregations in different areas in PE.

Bhengu's work grew dramatically with thousands of people being converted in a very short space of time. By 1959 there were 50 assemblies that had been started through his ministry. His meetings were characterized by power, both in preaching and healing, and attracted thousands. In 1957 a church in the shape of a cross and seating between 4000 to 5000 was opened in Duncan Village, East London. Even the international media were interested in Bhengu, with the TIME magazine of 23rd Nov 1959 calling him "the black Billy Graham" and stating that his ministry resulted in the crime rate dropping by as much as a third in some areas. At one meeting the police took away 3 vanloads of stolen goods and weapons that people surrendered when they came to Christ. The TIME article states, "it is not unusual for Evangelist Bhengu to end up by walking down to the police station hand in hand with someone on the wanted list"

This man walked in such authority, that he COMMANDED the rain and wind to stop and it did so according to a report I heard from a dear Pastor in East London on my recent trip a few weeks back. I love all these historical accounts of the work of God, as the Lord has shown me we will reap what they have sown and I the level of glory coming will be seven times greater saints. Truly revival is the answer to South Africa and not in politicians or kings, but rather God will come to shake this nation and spread across this continent. If you are in Capetown this weekend, please come to our meetings, as revival could come at any moment saints.

Precious saints, the Lord has used many of the past Fathers of faith like John G Lake, Nicholas Bhengu, Benson Idahosa and Reinhard Bookie to stir my faith to go preach the gospel in the continent of Africa. During my early years ministering in Africa (2012), the Lord showed me in a vision revival that would spread all over Africa. Yes, I saw Africa being ignited with a Gods Holy Fire starting as small fire lights and spreading over the whole continent and then onto the rest of the nations in the world. So may we also join in the faith of John G Lake and Reinhard, to believe that millions of souls shall experience this Endtime repentance revival that is coming very soon within meetings across Africa and beyond.


Let us pray saints:

1. Lord, please let your fire of revival fall upon every hungry heart that is reading this program today in Jesus Mighty Name!

2. Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today in Jesus Mighty Name!

3. Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!

4. Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival in your life, family, church, community, and nation. Ask God to start that revival in your own heart and life that repentance revival will flow.

5. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed to you and run with it. What actions will you take after this fasting day?

6. Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, do that you may be ablaze. Ask the Lord to awaken the remnant body of Christ and draw more saints into the Body of Christ.

7. Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change that will come from a powerful move of God!

8. Decree that lives are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God in Jesus mighty Name!

9. Ask God to do a fresh work within your heart this weekend that will prepare you for what is to come in God’s outpouring.

10. May revival come to each of our homes and change family members to be on fire for God in Jesus Mighty Name!

11. Lord we pray for Pastor Robert’s continued up and coming meetings in South Africa, Namibia, Kenya & Uganda. May the Holy Spirit bring Repentance Revival to these nations and just like how you used Reinhard Bonnke’s faith that Africa must be saved, we pray for all the nations to be saved and experience Repentance Revival in Jesus Mighty name!

12. Any principality in the heavenlies delaying your progress and Gods messengers be removed in Jesus mighty name!

13. Any agent of satanic delay in my (office, home, school, place of work, city, and nation), withholding my promotion/graduation, revival may they be completely removed and rendered powerless in the mighty name of Jesus!

14. Father we ask that you please send angelic reinforcements from the 3rd heavens to release our blessings and arrest all demonic hinderances in the 2nd heavens, in the mighty name of Jesus!

15. Father for my shame, troubles, and delay, I shall receive double honour, in the mighty name of Jesus!

16. I refuse to give up until my testimony gives birth to many other testimonies and revival comes to my home, church, city, and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus!

17. May revival truly be birthed and sustained in prayer in South Africa in Capetown this weekend, so it may spread from the western Cape all the way to Cairo in Jesus mighty name!



25 August 2023 Venue: Houmoed Farm Scherpenheuwel Road, Worcester

26 and 27 August 2023 Venue: Lookout Hill, Corner of Spine Road and Mew Way, Kayelitsha Capetown

Telephone More Information: +27 63 367 5906


Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd at Ella Duplessis Secondary High School Windhoek Namibia


Telephone More Information: +264 81 383 6220


Thursday 5th - Saturday 7th 3 DAY Conference Nairobi


Corner of Kenyatta Ave & Muindi Mbingu Street

Central Business District



Telephone More Information: +254 722 435508




Emerald Hotel, Bombo road, Kampala

Friday 27th October & Saturday 28th October 9:00am -1:00pm


Friday 27th to Sunday 29th October 4pm to 7:30pm

Agape Outreach Church

Makerere Kivulu, Gaddafi Road, Kampala

Sunday 29th October 10:00am to 1:00pm Special Service


Telephone More Information: +256 779 101837

You are most welcome to every meeting that are all free of charge and feel free to make contact with the number below for more information.



WhatsApp Message Only: +27 63 367 5906


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23 comentários

Membro desconhecido
25 de out. de 2023

Halleluah! my new season is called the winning streak! By faith i understand that all funding and finances for my success I receive it speedily by the word of GOD!


26 de ago. de 2023

Blessings to you Sheannette.


Membro desconhecido
25 de ago. de 2023

As I prepare to end my fast today I just want to say Thank you Jesus for all your marvelous works. God Bless you Pastors Robert and Aida Clancy. May God bless your family and Narrow Path Ministries. Shalom Shalom Shalom


25 de ago. de 2023

Brothers and sisters, thank the Lord for encouraging and igniting us. Those who are fasting and praying and yearning for Revival, are being prepared for the move of God. Our prayers are heard, let’s keep moving forward. Praise the Lord!


Follow Christ
Follow Christ
25 de ago. de 2023

I am currently participating in the fast, God bless you all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

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