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Updated: Feb 11



“24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.” (Matthew 13:24-25)


Just to enlighten you about midnight prayers, most of us don't understand why it's important to pray in the midnight hour. Now I have done an in-depth teaching on YouTube on this subject some years back, that goes hand in hand with these prayers. So, I suggest you watch and listen to that first to help bring an even deeper understanding before starting this midnight warfare prayer program. You will find the link to that teaching just directly below.


Click on link to hear teaching -


Now once you have done listening to the teaching above, I want to update you that we have several programs that go along with the midnight prayer program. The first is a generalised program and the second is dealing with higher ranking demons that are generally stubborn spirits that require a firmer approach in spiritual warfare.


Now Jesus said from the above scripture that the enemy came to sow the wrong seed, while men were sleeping. This emphasizes the point that the mysteries that come against you during the day are hatched in the night saints. The day only wakes to manifest what has been done in the night.


So right now, I want to briefly discuss the importance of being spiritually awake in the mid night hour saints, so that you may counteract the enemies plan of planting discouragement, depression, failure, oppression etc against you or your family and friends. See many Christians, ministers, and churches; in many cases are asleep in a spiritual sense and sluggish to and in duty, because they are sleeping at night. See you can have an external form of religion; in lukewarmness going about the cause of Christ, while committing the sins of omission and commission. We know the Lord is coming back soon, but sometimes the delay of it can cause even good men to be exposed to every sin and snare of the devil. This is only leaving them liable to lose the very presence of Christ Jesus. Many Pastors are not warring for their congregations’ souls as they should. This has caused many Christians today to become weak in prayer, as the examples are not there. When servants of God are not passionate about prayer and fasting, they can tend to attack those that do and bring forth watered down teachings that promote prayerless Christians.


Do you know why many Christians are not strong in the Lord? Have you ever wondered why many are not mighty in God as they ought to be? The reasons are because they are spiritually asleep. I am sure you have seen Christians who are weak. I am sure you have seen businesses that are not making it. I am sure you have seen ministries that are decreasing in power and population. No doubt you have seen marriages where love is at its lowest level.


Somebody is angry with you, and he looks at you and says, "you will see" or he says it in another way - "l will show you" and he means to carry out the threat. When he says, "you will see," nothing happens immediately; this is because it is just a threat at that point in time. But what he does to bring his word to pass is to take your case to a witch or witch doctor saying to the witch/witch doctor, "this person offended me, and I told him that I will deal ruthlessly with him. I want you to help me put a curse on him and cause a specific evil to befall him."


The witch doctor then takes it up from there; he opens a file for you, puts your name on the file and keeps it in the outgoing basket. At 12 o'clock in the night, he gets up, pulls out the files and leaves for their evil meeting. He brings up your case in the meeting and they all work together in agreement to bring to manifestation the evil that your enemy desires.


What happens next is this; as they commence their manipulations against you, you will begin to have strange dreams, i.e. you may see animals like cows, lions, and dogs or even masquerades and mad men chasing you. You may see a big mountain before you, which you are trying to climb but you find it difficult to climb. This signifies a difficulty they want to put into your life.


While all that is going on, God will be tipping you off. He will be telling you to rise and begin to pray. He knows what is going on and He wants you neutralize through night-time warfare. If you fail to pray, the enemies will not be restricted in the evil plan they want to hatch. If unfortunately, they meet with an open door in your life the problem begins from that day on.


Have you noticed that God wakes you up sometimes in the night to pray? It may be because your file is the next to be considered by the powers that are out to steal from you.


The Holy Spirit wakes you up to pray and when he knows you have won the battle, he will tell you to go back and sleep. Your enemy looks at you the following morning wondering why you are so invincible.


The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When? In the middle of the night. In other words, each time night comes; warfare starts in the realm of the spirit. Many people know the things they used to have that the enemy has destroyed. Good health, a prosperous business, a blissful marriage, a happy home, academic success and most important your salvation. He comes by night to destroy it. The Lord will restore those things stolen, but first you must learn to fight back in Jesus’ name! What are you waiting for set your alarms for 12 am!


The midnight prayer battle is a program developed by the Holy Spirit to compel the Lord of Hosts to fight your battles and give you total victory.


Note we have several programs for those that desire to go to another level on the below links:


Warfare Prayer Program to Overcome The Enemy’s Agenda (To Be Confessed Out Loud Each Night):


14 Day Marriage Warfare Program:


But I would first suggest this Midnight Warfare Program even if you have done it before as it is basically completely refreshed. So, try to become accustomed to confessing out loud this Midnight Program in one sitting. Also, I would encourage either your family, friends or even church to use this program to help promote praying as groups and families. Just follow the prayer session till the end each night, as you are led by the Spirit.


Now if you would like to listen to me say the prayers in audio you can listen to the below link also, as there may be times it is more practical, but confessing is training your hands to war (Psalm 144:1-2):


Click on link to hear Audio Midnight Warfare Prayers -



Instructions Before you Start:

1.     Remove all distractions, so you can be focused and put phone on plane mode once it is already opened on app or website.

2.     If doing as a family get the children to say amen after every prayer paragraph or line to keep them engaged.

3.     Confess these prayers & speak with authority out-load where possible.

4.     The prayer has been broken in topic categories.  

5.     Note I have written in a way that we are coming into agreement together to get more power to the prayers.

6.     We do the whole program each night in one sitting that should not take any more than 45 Minutes.


Scripture: Ephesians 6:12-18 (FULL ARMOUR OF GOD)



Heavenly Father in the Mighty Name of Your Son Jesus Christ we come before you today and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness for all our sins known and unknown.


Father, we come through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ and draw a blood line around ourselves and all those that maybe joining in this prayer program present and around the world in Jesus Mighty Name! Send Your heavenly angels as a hedge of protection now around ourselves, loved ones and our households in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we paralyse every spiritual force of darkness and silence them in Jesus Mighty Name!


Yes, Father we forbid these evil spirits from influencing or strengthening any agent of Satan (witches, warlocks, witchdoctors, or shamans) in the name of Jesus, right now! Father, we bind all spirits of slumber and distraction that would try to come against your people from praying this program in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father there shall be no retaliation or reprisal attacks from any person joining these prayers, as you are covering us all as we partake Father in Jesus Mighty Name!


Satan, we silence you in the name of Jesus, binding all your interference that would come against our prayer session, for you will not interfere with our prayers any longer in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father release warring angels to outnumber and to outclass every demon for they are waging war against all these demonic activities on our behalf that would try to come against anyone partaking of this program this day in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father, we come to you now on behalf of our loved ones also and we call for your warring angels to come forth and do warfare on behalf of our loved ones in Jesus Mighty Name!


Father send Your ministering spirits to minister unto us all, as we faithfully confess these prophetic prayers in faith in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen



1. Father today we are exercising our authority that you have given unto Your Church to bind and loosen, and we destroy the very works of witchcraft that may be sent against us this day in Jesus Mighty Name! We ask you Lord to send the Holy Spirit, the seven-fold spirits of God, warrior angels, ministering angels and twelve legions of angels. We ask the warrior angels to come with their flaming, sharp two-edged swords capable of dividing spirit and soul.


2. We ask God to surround us, cut off communications between the demons outside and the demons inside, and remove loose demons around us in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father our prayers move mountains, and we pray in faith today that every hinderance be removed from our prayer time in Jesus Mighty Name! We have the power and authority in Your Word Lord to bind up spirits and we bind up all blocking spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father today in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we come against the prince-ruling spirit and all spirit guides and render them powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we bind fallen angels and demons and loose ourselves from them right now. We call for spiritual warfare to set the captives free Lord as you are training our hands for war in Jesus Mighty Name! We bind forces of evil, and loose forces of good that those ministering angels that minister unto those who inherit salvation, for the Lord has given us authority to speak His Word in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father we bind the spirits of: Leviathan, schizophrenia, bipolar, double-mindedness, doubt, unbelief, confusion, deception, mind control, mind occult, Jezebel, death, witchcraft. We bind spiritual death, mind bondage, harlotry, brain washing, Babylon, false doctrine, religious deception, spiritual darkness, sorcery, and anything that will try to quench Your Holy Spirit (Matt. 16:19, Matt. 18:18.) in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father, we command all the spirits of hate, bitterness, murder, spirits of envy and jealousy, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences to be rendered powerless and destroyed from the root in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


5. Father, we bind all the principalities and powers of the air, the wickedness in high places, and any dominions of world rulers, or any strong men exerting influence over any areas of our life: over our marriage, over our workplace, over our finances, over our home, over our children, over our health, whatever it is, we forbid them to operate against us today in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


6. Father in the Name of Jesus, we bind and break the spirits of Ahab, of Jezebel, fear, hypnosis, hypnotic trance, evil worldly music, greed, addiction, drugs, alcohol, and compulsive behaviour today in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus! Lord, please hold back any interference from the demonic realm, weather inside or outside our dwelling today and we command every demon to line up in their rank and file ready to be escorted back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father Your Word says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, we bind kings, princes, and world rulers for each spirit name that comes to our mind now. Starting with Satan, we bind your powers in the name of Jesus Christ. We bind and cast out the demon gods, Baal, Belial, Bel, Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Ahura-Mazda, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Prometheus, Jupiter, Nimrod, Mithra (*Another jesus” and “The Anti-Christ”), Ra, Hades, Eros, Uranus, Gaea, Assur, Merodach, Ninus, Shamas, Zeus-Belus, Beelzebub, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Hermes, Baphomet, and Pan and all other names Satan goes by!! we command them to go now in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we guard ourselves and command all Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the darkness of this world and Spiritual wickedness in high places that maybe influencing our decline be removed from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father, we strip each spirit and their hierarchy of power, armour and rank and separate each from the other in Jesus Mighty Name! We speak confusion to the ranks of the enemy and declare their assignments against us today are hereby rendered null and void in the Mighty Name of Jesus! We send confusion to the enemy’s camp and render them powerless today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



1. Father in the Name of Jesus we bind and break witchcraft, witchcraft control, mind binding spirits, spirits that block and or bind the will, spirits that influence mind control, or destruction, or lust, or fantasy lust, or perversion or intimidation or rebellion or rejection or schizophrenia or paranoia or anger or hatred or wrath or rage or resentment or bitterness or unforgiveness or slander or unteachableness or deception or doubt or unbelief or passivity or pride or false humility be removed from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we speak to every witchcraft lunar calendar of the enemy that is working against our life’s, may it clear away and be destroyed today in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father, we speak to every evil witchcraft programmer placing hexes and vexes upon our lives and that upon our loved ones must be rendered powerless and must go today from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father may any seasonal problem that has been programmed into our lives, be de-programme by fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, we repent today that if we have disobeyed You opening any legal right to witchcraft attacks forgive us today in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father if we have obeyed any evil command from the enemy knowingly or unknowingly then kill it now in the name of Jesus Christ!


7. Father, we speak to all witchcraft programming; you are a liar; therefore, you must be deprogrammed and die in the name of Jesus Christ!


8. Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, we bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, all evil against the emotions, all evil against the seven points of the body used by witchcraft: the base of the spine, the spleen, the navel, the heart, the throat, between the eyes, and the top of the head in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father in the Name of Jesus, we bind and break all evil on the systems of the body: the reproductive, the skeletal, the muscular, the digestive, Lord every area, the respiratory, the circulation, the nervous system, every other part. In the Name of Jesus, we bind and break any and all evil powers giving aid or pulling these systems in our bodies towards evil by means of witchcraft energy drawn from the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the constellations, earth, air, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, elements, or from lines, squares, circles, symbols, artifacts or any other potions against us in the Name of Jesus Christ!


10. Father, we paralyse all demons working against us all, right now in Jesus Mighty Name! We declare to these demons that they will not be able to use any agent of Satan or even our loved ones any longer to attack us or Your church Lord in the name of Jesus Christ!


11. Father, we come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirits of bondage and heaviness, fear, and hate from all witchcraft attacks in Jesus Mighty Name!


12. Father, we bind any negative evil power, programmed against our head and we command it to jump out of our heads and go back to the pit of hell in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


13. Father all satanic programming polluting our dreams we command it to leave our lives and go back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


14. Father may every evil witchcraft material that has been planted into our lives from the womb be uprooted, umbilical cord cut and die now in the name of Jesus Christ!


15. Father in the Name of the King of Kings, In the name of the Lord of Lords, In the name of the President of Presidents: JESUS CHRIST! May every witchcraft bondage within our lives break and be rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name!


16. Father, we speak to any evil power calling our name into a cauldron, you are a liar and therefore your assignment is terminated today for good in the name of Jesus Christ!


17. Father, through the precious blood of Your Son Jesus Christ we wipe off every witchcraft name that may have been assigned against us knowingly or unknowingly in the name of Jesus Christ!


18. Father may every witchcraft padlock assigned against us to tie up our blessings be destroyed, and the owner of the padlock brought to a quick judgement now in the name of Jesus Christ!


19. Father may every astral projection attack against our life’s be arrested, silver cord cut and sent to the Lord for judgment in the name of Jesus Christ!


20. Father may every witchcraft power (spirit) that have set eyes on us to bring havoc and delay receive blindness and the human agents brought to account and exposed in the name of Jesus Christ!


21. Father may every evil arrow of witchcraft that has been fired into our prosperity be removed from our dwelling and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ!


22. Father may every witchcraft padlock holding down our progress catch fire today in the name of Jesus Christ!


23. Father, we pray, Lord, that You will open the eyes of our enemies including all witches and agents of Satan, so they can see the glory of Jesus. Open their hearts, so that they can hear His voice. Break the yokes in their lives and give them liberty in their souls that they may be free to repent, especially all those that do not know You today in Jesus Mighty Name! Show them every evil work and every evil deed in their heart that they’re guilty of in Jesus Mighty Name! Lord Jesus, convict their hearts unto deep repentance today that only Your Holy Spirit can produce and bring all these souls out of darkness to save them that You may be glorified in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father, we command all ancestral spirits of freemasonry, secret societies, the occult, idolatry, witchcraft, false religion, polygamy, lust, and perversion and the like to come out of our lives now in the Name of Jesus Christ.


2. Father, we command all foul spirits broken today; for we break the legal rights of all generational spirits operating behind the curse in the Name of our lord Jesus Christ! devil you have no legal right today to operate in our life’s, you will be gone in the Name of Jesus Christ!


3. Father, we bind the strongman and rebuke all familiar spirits and spirit guides that will try to operate in our lives connected to our ancestral lines in the Name of Jesus Christ; We renounce all false beliefs and philosophies inherited by our ancestors in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


4. Father, we break all curses on our finances from our ancestors that cheated or mishandled money in the Name of our Lord Jesus; we break all curses of sickness and disease and command all inherited sicknesses to leave our bodies today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


5. Father through Jesus, our family is blessed today; We renounce all pride inherited from the ancestors, now be gone in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; I break all oaths, vows, and pacts made with the devil by our ancestors in the Name of Jesus; We break all curses by agents of Satan spoken over our lives in the wicked secret places in the Name of Jesus Christ!


6. Father, we break all written curses that would affect our life in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ today! Father, we break any released curse that would be active in our lives today in the Name of Jesus Christ! Father we now break the curse of rejection, bitterness and rebellion that has come against us, and we command all the demon grouping of rebellion, rejection and bitterness and the like come out of us right now in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we thank You, as your legal rights have been cancelled today and the devil has no hold over our lives, therefore every demon must come out of us now in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father, we thank you Lord Jesus for what you are doing right now, and we just ask You Lord Jesus that You would send Your Holy Spirit right now to fill us with Your love, with Your peace, with Your joy right now. You will fill us to overflowing with Your righteousness, with Your holiness today, as You fill us and touch us more in the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus!


8. Father, we declare that all parental curses, that maybe working against our lives to clear away now in the name of Jesus Christ!


9. Father, may you rewrite our family history by our coming out of all curses in the name of Jesus Christ and may all curses be broken by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ!


10. Father, we break and nullify all curses, covenants and initiations made by our ancestors or by ourselves in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the waters above or underneath be destroyed in Jesus Mighty Name!


11. Father, we come against all curses that we have made against ourselves, against our progress and our future knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus Mighty Name!


12. Father, we destroy all curses that have been conjured in the air, on the earth, under the earth, in the waters above and beneath the earth, rivers, seas, dams, etc in Jesus Mighty Name! We nullify and render all of the curses broken, harmless and powerless in Jesus Mighty Name! We rebuke and bind the demons assigned to the curses and silence them once and for all in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we command these demons to become the footstool of the Lord Jesus Christ and ask you Lord Jesus to reverse the wicked curses and change them into blessings within our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


13. Father, we come against all evil covenants that either we or our forefathers made with idols, demons, water spirits, spiritual husbands, spiritual wives, spiritual children, dead human spirits, etc. in the physical, in the spiritual or in dreams be rendered powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we cancel these covenants and declare them null and void from this day moving forward in Jesus Mighty Name!


14. Father all the initiations that we may have made against ourselves knowingly or unknowingly we destroy all of them today in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we withdraw our membership from such initiations and render them null and void in Jesus Mighty Name, as the blood of Jesus speaks better things of our future in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father, we cancel our names from any register of Satan today and declare ourselves free from today in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! For Jesus has redeemed us by His blood, therefore we remove from ourselves all these curses of disobedience to Your commandments, O Lord today in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we rebuke the devourer from our lives any locust, any cankerworm, any caterpillar, and any palmerworm from us in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we desire the former and the latter rain of revival in our lives, so may you fill us again with Your blessings today in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


16. Father in Jesus Mighty Name we destroy and nullify any enchantments, spells, charms, incantations, curses, covenants, initiations and manipulations from any idols, witches, wizards, priests, water spirits, and abortions, from any coven, spiritual temple and mystic homes in the air, the land, and the sea today in Jesus Mighty Name!


17. Father in the Name of Jesus, we destroy all covenants and initiations made on our behalf in the air, on the earth, under the earth and in the waters above and beneath, rivers, dams, seas, etc in Jesus Mighty Name! We destroy all the evil belongings that we have or is upon any evil altar that is involved in the curses and covenants in Jesus Mighty Name! We renounce any initiations against us that was done knowingly or unknowingly with the fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name!


18. Father, we bind, arrest and chain every evil spirit guard (gatekeepers) that oversee any curses, covenants, initiations, spells, charms, etc. against our lives and we destroy the deed of that agreement in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


19. Father where there has been used muthi, juju, oil, salt and the like for evil purposes to establish any evil covenant with the demonic kingdom let all evil covenants be destroyed today and forever more in Jesus Mighty Name!


20. Father, we now separate ourselves from all curses, covenants, initiations, etc. that were made against us in Jesus Mighty Name! For we will serve our Lord Jesus alone and now declare that every curse is broken, nailed to the cross and reversed into a blessing in Jesus Mighty Name! Father for Your Son Jesus Christ became a curse so that we can be blessed in Jesus Mighty Name



1. Father, we are in your courtroom right now, avenge us of our adversaries, in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father may every demonic court existing against our lives and family be silenced today in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father where there has been raised accusations and counter accusations against us and our destiny, be destroyed today by fire, and that evil altar destroyed in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


4. Father, we declare that every demonic lawyer and judge giving judgments against our lives, family, and destiny, in the spirit, wherever you are, we command you all to be silenced and bound back into the abyss, in the Might Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


5. Father, we nullify every evil judgment and decision that has been made and is being carried out against our lives and family in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, we command all those carrying out such judgments against us and our family to become frustrated this day and forever more in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father, we speak to all domestic witchcraft right now and we drag them now to the court of the Almighty to be judged, in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father, we speak to our stubborn enemies right now and we drag you to the court of the Almighty to be judged, in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father may all enemies of our progress be dragged into the court of the Almighty to be judged, in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father God Arise today and judge all our enemies that steal our blessings by fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father may every evil spiritual merchant of souls that has been assigned against our destinies die today in the name of Jesus Christ!



1. Father by the same power of the Holy Spirit that healed blind Bartimaeus, O God Arise! Heal us by Fire! in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we speak to every evil power of infirmity within our lives and that of our household and command it to leave our bodies and die today, in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father may all inherited infirmities that are upon our generational lines, what are you waiting for, you are a liar! therefore Die! in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father may the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, sanitize our blood today, for by Jesus stripes we are healed in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, we speak to all witchcraft-sponsored infirmities today and command then to hear the word of the Lord, your assignment is terminated. Therefore, may you backfire today and be rendered completely powerless in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father, we speak to the bondage of infirmities, and all spirits of infirmity plaguing us will now break off their hold from over our lives and be rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father today we speak to every word curse and curses of infirmity that were spoken over our lives and command them to break now in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father today we speak to any power that is prolonging infirmity within our bodies and command that it must die from the root now in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father, we command all spiritual eaters of flesh; drinkers of blood to heed the word of the Lord and declare that our life’s or those of our loved ones are not your candidate any longer, therefore, your assignment is terminated today in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father, we command all evil arrows of infirmity assigned against our head, the base of the spine, the spleen, the navel, the heart, the throat and between the eyes must backfire and be destroyed from the root in Jesus Mighty Name!


11. Father may all agents of infirmity from our food or water supply be exposed and your assignment terminated today in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father today we bind and rebuke any evil unclean and hateful bird that has been sent against our lives by the enemy in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


2. Father today we choose to serve You alone, God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. We are a new creation, recreated by Christ Jesus today!


3. Father today we bind and rebuke every evil bird from operating against our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father may every spirit bird sent against us be taken in the snare today before operation and take off in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, we bind and rebuke every spiritual vulture, we bind and rebuke the operation of any screech owl (night monster) and command to leave our lives and surroundings in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father let your presence drive away every unclean bird from our lives today and forever more in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father let these birds flee and fly away that are used as monitoring spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father, we bind and rebuke any demonic eagle and hawk that may be sent against our lives, and we command their nests to be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ!


9. Father let these birds flee today and fly away at Your rebuke for every fowl of the second heavens operating against our lives must be consumed by Holy Spirit fire today in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


10. Lord continues to surround our family with Your protection so we will never be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, and we rebuke every night bird that would attempt to visit any of us at night in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father today we bind and rebuke every flying serpent that would attack our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we bind and rebuke every sea serpent that would attack our lives this day in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father may every evil serpent spirit of death and every evil serpent spirits of wastage, assigned against our hands must die and never operate in our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father, we pray that You would bring a swift judgment to Leviathan just as You have promised to punish and slay that demon marine serpent through Your Son Jesus Christ! Please Jesus may Your fierce and powerful sword slay that monster of the sea today in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, please bruise the head of every serpent that would attack our lives and that of our family in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father, may You punish the piercing serpent today in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! For we also bind and rebuke any serpent that would try to deceive us and may they be exposed from this day forward in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father today we bind and rebuke every serpent spirit that would try to twist and coil around us to suffocate our lives, family, and finances. May you be loosened from our lives and that of our loved ones in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father, we bind and rebuke in Jesus name every serpent cobra or viper that is poisoning our food or water supply in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father, we bind every python spirit that would try to squeeze out our spiritual lives, our prayer lives, our blessed lives and our divine health in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father, we cast out every spiritual viper that would try to operate in our lives and may You quench every fiery serpent that is sent against my lives and be rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name!


11. Father today we break and cut all cords and all curses from the occult, witchcraft and voodoo, all sort hexes, vexes and curses including any serpent spirits sent out against us today in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father, You are the One who created times and seasons, and You put us here to operate, therefore we thank You Father for bringing us here today, by the power of the Holy Ghost, we recover our destiny from the hands of the wicked. Father, as David cried unto You, so do we cry today, that: Father, our times are in Your Hands deliver us from our wicked enemies in Jesus Mighty Name!




2. Father, we declare that every good thing that we have laid our hands upon, our hands shall finish it from this day forward, in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father, we declare that every yoke upon our hands must, break and be removed today in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father, we declare that any curse issued against our hands must, break and be removed in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, we declare that every evil power of poor finishing is not our portion, therefore it must die in Jesus Name! For we refuse to finish poor from this day forward in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father, we declare that every evil power of bad luck and misfortune must now die and never operate in our lives again, for we are blessed in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father may every evil serpent spirit of death and every evil serpent spirits of wastage, assigned against our hands must die and never operate in our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father may every strongman that has been assigned against our hands, you must surrender, as we bind your hands and feet and cast you out of our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father, we declare that every evil power of our father’s house assigned against our hands, must also die in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. (Saints now lift your two hands and start to wave them to the Lord, but as you are waving those hands saints, know that every evil arrow of darkness upon your hands is being shaken out, along with every evil cobweb and spirit of death and hell upon your hands are being removed and taken off in Jesus Mighty Name!)


11. Father, we declare that every evil arrow of darkness upon your hands is being shaken out, along with every evil cobweb and spirit of death and hell upon your hands are being removed and taken off in Jesus Mighty Name! (Say times 2)


12. Father, we declare that the blood of Jesus shall arise in its power and envelope our hands to receive healing throughout our whole body today in Jesus Mighty Name!


13. Father, we declare that our hands have laid foundations, and our hands shall also finish them in Jesus Might Name! (Say 2 times)


14. Father, we declare our hands shall bury bad things and it shall never bury good things, in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father, anoint our hands today to receive power to prosper and be fruitful in all we put them too, in the name of Jesus Christ!



1. Father where there has been raised accusations and counter accusations against us and our destiny, be destroyed today by fire, and that evil altar destroyed in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


2. Father, we decree today that every altar of darkness that has been raised against us in the second heaven must be destroyed, die, and shattered in pieces in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father, we decree today that every evil altar of evil programming that has been assigned against our life’s must be destroyed and die now in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father, we declare today that every witchcraft coven assigned against our destiny’s must, scatter today and be sent into confusion now in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father wherever our names, pictures or items have been placed on any unholy altar may it be destroyed today in the name of Jesus Christ!


6. Father wherever our information about our lives maybe present on any wicked altar must, catch fire and destroyed now in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!



(Now raise up your right hand to the heavenlies now saints).


1. Father in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we de-programme whatever the enemy has programmed through witchcraft into the sun, into the moon and into the stars, concerning our lives in Jesus Mighty Name! We destroy every evil that has been programmed against us in the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every enchantment, every evil pronouncement, that has been made against us into the atmosphere to destroy our destiny, we nullify them by fire! we nullify them by fire!! we nullify them by fire!!! in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we declare that every witchcraft power that is toying with our destiny be rendered powerless today and their assignment terminated, null and void in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father may every witchcraft attack that is coming to hinder our destiny must catch fire today in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father may anything evil that has been programmed into our foundation to waste our destiny must be uprooted and die in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, we declare that every evil destiny Hunter that has been assigned against us will not succeed in the name of Jesus Christ!


6. Father, we declare that we shall have unstoppable advancement this year in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father, we declare that this year, the wealth of the unbelievers shall be transferred to our bosom, in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father, we declare that this year, our star (destiny) shall arise and fall no more, in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father, we declare that this year, the favour of man shall chase us around with blessings and you will send destiny helpers from the East, South, West and North in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father today as we stand upon your promises that when a thief is found they must return seven times that was stolen. So, Father as Satan is a thief that comes to kill, steal, and destroy we ask for seven times fold return of all our wasted years and blessings in Jesus Mighty Name!


11. Father may every evil power of the night that is programmed against our progress and destiny must scatter and be removed for good in Jesus Mighty Name!


12. Father, we speak to every mountain of affliction before us today and command it to be cast into the ocean in Jesus Mighty Name!


13. Father, we declare that every dream affliction, dream harassment and all dream pollution that is coming against us must be rendered powerless and die in Jesus Mighty Name!


14. Father this year, men shall compete to favour us because this is the Year of release and favour, and we receive every spiritual blessing from Your Word in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father may every evil hand that is pointing to our star to destroy our destiny this year and trying to block our paths must whither now in Jesus Mighty Name!


16. Father may every evil satanic malpractice over our family that is stopping our blessings, hindering our destinies be cut off from our lives from the root in Jesus Mighty Name!


17. Father may every evil power assigned to use our lives as a dumping ground be rendered powerless and catch fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


18. Father may every evil spiritual tree of failure from our father’s or mother’s house must be uprooted and die today in Jesus Mighty Name!


19. Father, may You Arise and let our enemies be scattered once and for all Lord. For the Lion of Judah has broken every yoke; He has given us the victory again and again. Therefore, just as the walls of Jericho fell flat when the children of God, we’re praising the Lord. May every wall of Jericho that has been assigned against our destiny’s success, scatter today in Jesus Mighty Name!


20. Father may every evil opposition against our destiny and possession, die today and be removed from our lives forever in Jesus Mighty Name!


21. Father may every evil tongue that was demonically anointed by Satan to speak curses against our lives and destiny be silenced for you are a Satan and therefore, your assignment is terminated from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


22. Father may every evil power declaring that it is over for us, and our destiny be exposed, rendered powerless and die today in Jesus Mighty Name!


23. Father, we rebuke any wicked power that has tied down our destiny and command it to break loose today from our lives, in Jesus Mighty Name!


24. Father wherever the stars (witchcraft spells) have been programmed to disturb our destiny, O God Arise! Manifest your power and render all witchcraft powerless against our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


25. Father You are the God of Elijah the God of Moses therefore may you attack and remove every red sea (hindrance) from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


26. Father, reshuffle our environment to favour us today to fulfil our destiny in Jesus Mighty Name!


27. Father, if we have been disconnected from the socket of our destiny in way shape or form may we be reconnected today, and all obstacles removed by fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


28. Father, whatever You have not positioned into our life, may You wipe them off and let it be removed forever today in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father may every problem programmed into our foundations from birth connected to our generational line from the second heaven be uprooted and die in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, we plead the blood of Jesus to wipe out all the handwriting of darkness assigned against our generational line and attacking us from the heavenlies be rendered powerless and void in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father may every arrow fired against us from the second heavens be destroyed by fire and those wicked spirits be toasted by fire also and backfire on them to never return fire to us again in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father today may every diviner spirit that has been assigned against us from the heavenlies, run mad as their assignment is terminated and rendered powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, arise today and fight the battles on our behalf that are coming against us in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father every foundational problem giving power to the enemy to attack our destiny let it be uprooted and rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father may every evil power of frustration that pursued us last year, want us to fail and carry on the curse of our forefather be exposed and sent back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father every evil enemy of our promotion and advancement that is connected to our generational line be broken and scatter today in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father may every evil operation of darkness upon our family lines be terminated and assignment invalid today in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father O God arise today and dismantle the poison in our foundation that only You can uproot in Jesus Mighty Name!


11. Father may all negative circumstances that are affecting our success from our faulty foundations be destroyed today and go back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


12. Father, You have given us life and death in the tongue, therefore we curse the spirit of backwardness that maybe affecting our life’s because of faulty foundations in Jesus Mighty Name!


13. Father may every evil power delaying the manifestation of our breakthroughs be removed from our lives and die in Jesus Mighty Name!


14. Father O God arise and rearrange our circumstances to bring us into your blessings and position of favour today in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father every proclamation of evil spoken from the powers of darkness against our lives and that of our family must be silenced once and for all now in Jesus Mighty Name!


16. Father, may You arise in our favour and package testimonies for us, as we faithfully seek first Your kingdom and righteousness today in Jesus Mighty Name!


17. Father every satanic decree working against our lives because of faulty foundations must be nullified, cancelled, and rendered powerless today in Jesus Mighty Name!


18. Father, surround us with Your protection and may all evil arrows of the day, arrows of the night that have been assigned against our life backfire in the name of Jesus Christ!


19. Father may every evil mouth of the wicked that is speaking against us our progress today be silenced and shut up now in the name of Jesus Christ!


20. Father may all spirits of fear operating within our life’s be rendered powerless and sent back to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ!


21. Father may every evil power that is stealing our promotion die today in the name of Jesus Christ!


22. Father may every abnormal evil pattern within our family line die today in the name of Jesus Christ!


23. Father whatever the enemy has planned may You arise and make us a wonder today in the name of Jesus Christ!



1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, today we render powerless and paralyse every demonic messenger, every evil watcher, every fowler, every spiritual hunter, and every agent of darkness assigned against our lives, our family, and our destiny in Jesus Mighty Name! Today we command them to become permanently incapacitated from this day forward never to trouble us again in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father may all those who speak and utter words of harm, gossip, and wickedness against us may be silenced today in Jesus Mighty Name! For Your word says that they shall gather, but their gathering is not of YOU and who so ever gathers against us shall scatter and fall (Isaiah 54:17) in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father today we speak with boldness in the finished work of the cross of Jesus and command this day to let a furious east spiritual wind from heaven confuse, scatter, and paralyse every evil gathering against our lives and that of our family in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


4. Father, we speak to every evil stubborn perpetrator targeting our lives and family, must be rendered powerless and loosen from us in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


5. Father may every evil power reporting us to witchcraft meetings, your assignment is terminated therefore be exposed and rendered powerless in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


6. Father may every evil meeting summoned to waste our lives, be disrupted, and cancelled today and may we never put on their agenda again in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


7. Father may all information about our lives present on any wicked altar catch fire and never taken or used again in the Might Name of Jesus Christ!


8. Father, we speak to every evil camera of darkness, taking our pictures in the dark world, catch fire now in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father may every inherited power assigned to waste our destiny come out now in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father may every evil communication gadget of darkness transferring our information to covens, cauldrons and evil altars catch fire now in Jesus Mighty Name!  


11. Father may every evil agenda, every evil programme, every evil plan of darkness purposed against our lives be terminated and burnt in Jesus Mighty Name!  


12. Father may our wealth, that is buried in the earth come forth in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


13. Lord may every evil power assigned to disorganise our lives; you are a liar; therefore, your assignment is terminated in Jesus Mighty Name!


14. Father, rearrange our circumstances to catapult our lives, in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father may every evil power reporting us to covens today be interrupted, silenced, and terminated in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father may every evil garment of poverty upon our lives catch fire today in Jesus Mighty Name!  


2. Father may every inherited spirit of poverty on our father’s or mother’s side causing poverty, be uprooted, and sent back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!  


3. Father every spirit of poverty that is killing our finances to prosper, we are not your candidate therefore die in the name of Jesus Christ!


4. Father may every expected and unexpected financial breakthrough, locate us by fire in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father may every poverty activator dream within my life be uprooted and scatter today and never to return in Jesus Mighty Name!


6. Father may every poverty stronghold be cast down today and set ablaze as we command it to go back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name!


7. Father may every evil power contesting for our oil die today in the name of Jesus Christ!


8. Father may every good thing stolen from our life by the night be returned and must come back now in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father may every good thing stolen from our life by the day be returned and come back now in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father, may You arise and use us to change our family’s history to prosper in the name of Jesus Christ!


11. Father our end shall be better than our beginning in the name of Jesus Christ!


12. Father may anything buried that is pulling us down die today in the name of Jesus Christ!


13. Father may every evil oracle of our father’s or mother’s house, speaking against our progress, be removed in the powerful name of Jesus Christ!


14. Father may every power of collective captivity upon our lives we are not your candidate, therefore scatter in Jesus Mighty Name!


15. Father may every evil power of environmental covens operating behind wicked plans against us die in Jesus Mighty Name!


16. Father may every opportunity waster be rendered powerless from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


17. Father may every chain binding our finances break now in Jesus Mighty Name!


18. Father may all evil drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh be bound up and sent back to the pit of hell in Jesus Mighty Name! So, hear the word of the Lord, you wicked spirits and know your time is finished, and your assignment terminated therefore die in Jesus Mighty Name!



1. Father, we thank you Lord for the grace to seek your face and your promise to deliver us in Jesus Mighty Name!


2. Father, remove every veil and spiritual cataract from our eyes in Jesus Mighty Name!


3. Father, deliver us from the bondage and sin of spiritual laziness in Jesus Mighty Name!


4. Father, open our understanding and teach us deep and spiritual things to actualise our victory this week in Jesus Mighty Name!


5. Father, visit the foundation of any problem that has followed our family with coals, brimstone, and fire in Jesus Mighty name!


6. Father, bring to light everything planned against our family in Jesus Mighty name!


7. Father, ignite and revive all our beneficial potentials, give us divine wisdom to operate our lives in Jesus Mighty Name!


8. Father, let every veil preventing our family from plain spiritual vision be removed in Jesus Mighty Name!


9. Father, let every filthiness blocking our family’s communication with the almighty God be washed clean with the blood of Jesus in Jesus Mighty Name!


10. Father our family receives power to operate with sharp spiritual eyes that cannot be deceived in the name of Jesus!


11. Father because Your Son the Christ overcame at Calvary, our name and family members names are removed from the evil book of those who will fall and stumble in darkness in Jesus Mighty Name!


12. Father, send your fire to the root of our family life to dissolve deeply rooted problems in Jesus mighty name!


13. Father, we reject any curse flowing down to us from our ancestors in the name of Jesus Christ!


14. Father, we declare a determined end to the effect of inherited problems in the name of Jesus Christ!


15. Father every unconscious/conscious curse or playful curse that our parents have issued on us, we cancel them in the name of Jesus Christ!


16. Father let the secret of every hidden stranger hidden in our family life be revealed in Jesus Mighty name!


17. Father may any evil ruling within our family, run away from us in Jesus Mighty name!


18. Father, we wash the root of our life with the blood of Jesus and render the enemy powerless!


19. Father in this month and beyond, we refuse to enter the valley of failure/sickness/stagnation/barrenness/ solitude designed for us through faulty generational foundations in Jesus Mighty name!


20. Father, wash away with the blood of Your Son Jesus, the repercussions of any unclean money spent on us by our parents in Jesus Mighty Name!


21. Father, we break every curse of marriage destruction that may follow our family line in Jesus Mighty name!


22. Father, as you wrought a great victory through Eleazar and Shammah, wrought a great victory for my family in every challenging area of our lives in Jesus Mighty name! (2 Sam 23:9-12)


23. Father, we turn over all our family battles to you in Jesus Mighty name, and we refuse to engage in any unnecessary battles. Therefore, position us to enjoy your salvation from this day forth in Jesus Mighty Name! (2 Chr.17)


24. Father, we Declare victory over our family finances according to your word in Jesus Mighty Name! (Deut. 28:1-13; 8:18; 3 John 2.)


25. (For those married) Father we declare victory over our marriage, because you ordained it in Jesus Mighty Name! (Gen 2:22-25; Matt 19:4-6; Mal 2:16)


26. (For those with children) Father we declare victory over our children because they are a reward from you Lord in Jesus Mighty Name! (Is. 8:18; 54:13; Gen 22:17; Ps 127:3-5).


27. [For Sisters only] Father may all satanic agents wearing your wedding garments, take them off by fire in the name of Jesus Christ!


28. Father, we declare victory over barrenness, fruitlessness, and lack of progress in Jesus Mighty name! (Ex 23:26; Isa 54:1; Gen 1:28; Gen 22:17; Deut. 28:1-13)


29. Father according to your Word Lord, we Declare victory over debt, fear and borrowing today in Jesus Mighty Name!


30. Father, we declare victory over external & demonic influence because no curse shall alight without a cause (Is.54:17; Luke 9:1; 10:19.) Your sacrifice and death on a tree were complete and enough in Jesus Mighty Name!


31. Father, we declare victory over generational curses and occurrences because all things have become new in Christ’s death on the cross (2 Cor. 5:17) in Jesus Mighty Name!


32. Father, let the glory and the power of the almighty fall upon all families that are declaring these prayers today in a mighty way in the name of Jesus Christ!


33. Father hell fire shall not harvest our lives, as we overcome the enemy through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ!


34. Father if we are presently wrongly scheduled then, reschedule us in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!


35. Father, may you package our blessing as we stand upon Your promises. And where our blessings have transferred unto others, hear the word of the Lord, comeback and return to us seven times in the name of Jesus Christ!


36. Father may power of hard labour die upon our lives in the name of Jesus!


37. Father let Your heavens open, and glory fall and may You pour out blessings within our lives in the name of Jesus Christ!


38. Father, we declare that commanded blessings, overtaking Blessings, added blessings appear within our life in the name of Jesus Christ!


39. Father You are the God of the turn-around, therefore locate us now in the name of Jesus Christ!


40. Father may all evil powers assigned to make our lives useless die now in the name of Jesus Christ!


41. Father may our breakthroughs from the four corners of the earth locate us today in the name of Jesus Christ!


42. Father any evil power disconnecting us from the virtues of the Lord must die in the name of Jesus Christ!


43. Father in our dream life continue to reveal great and mighty things in which we did not know before in the name of Jesus Christ!


44. Father, open our eyes to see wonders and fulfilment of Your promises upon our lives in the name of Jesus Christ!


45. Father whatever stopped our father, will not stop us in the name of Jesus Christ!


46. Father may all evil power of limitation be rendered powerless today against our lives, therefore you are a liar and must die in the name of Jesus Christ!


47. Father, may You dismantle every power of backwardness operating within our lives in the name of Jesus Christ!



Father, we pray for a hedge of protection, like a wall of Your fire to come around every home that is covered in the blood of Jesus Christ! Just as it was when the Israelites covered their doorpost with the sacrificial blood of the lamb for protection and the spirit of death passed over them. So shall it be over every born-again Christian doing this program, that their house is protected and covered with the blood of Jesus Christ!

Father, we thank you Lord Jesus for the weapons of our warfare, are not carnal, but they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Therefore, we pray today for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fill each person that is reading this prayer program. Father, whether its circulating throughout the internet, printed out in homes, in their cars or in their workplace etc. Wherever they are right now, let this prayer cover them and protect them with your angels surrounding them as a hedge of protection.


Father, we thank you for your goodness, that Your goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life, as we dwell in the house of the Lord for ever and ever.




Pastor Robert Clancy

Shalom Shalom Shalom

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